Choosing a Life Coach: Research Tips for Selecting a Coaching Program
Life coaching programs are products, and as with all products in the marketplace, it is necessary to do extensive research to get the best fit and value for the dollar spent. While finding the right life coach does take time and effort, the preliminary work sets the stage for a positive life coaching experience.
Calculate a Life Coaching Budget
Determining the amount of available funds to spend on a life coaching program is vital. Life coaches are business owners, and in order to compete for clients effectively, they often engage in aggressive marketing campaigns.
Without knowing how many dollars are available to spend, it’s easy to get lured into overspending by an attractive ad. Draw up a budget to get a clear picture of exactly how many dollars are available to spend for coaching on a weekly, monthly, or one-time basis.
If a budget evaluation shows that there are no funds to hire a coach, skip to the section of this article titled, “Shop for a Life Coach,” to learn about the abundance of free life coaching resources available.
Define Life Coaching Expectations
Prior to shopping for a life coach, it is important to know what is desired from the coaching experience. Make a list of areas or circumstances where improvement is desired such as life balance, body image, relationships, or finances.
Maintaining a clear picture of personal expectations aids in the life coach selection process and enhances the overall coaching experience.

Know the Life Coaching Program Delivery Options
From private face-to-face coaching sessions to videos and DVDs, life coaches employ a wide range of methods to serve their clients. One popular method of life coaching is the group teleseminar or webinar, where several clients meet with the coach at one time via a conference call or web meeting
are also private membership sites available where clients can watch coaching DVDs and interact with other members. While a prospective client’s budget will sometimes limit the frequency or the type of coaching sessions available to them, it is still beneficial to know what the options are before setting out into the marketplace.
Getting a Life Coach – How to Shop for a Life Coach
Once the life coaching budget has been determined, coaching expectations have been defined, and methods of delivery are understood, it is time to actively shop for a life coach. Cast a wide net by employing multiple search methods. Life coaching has become commonplace, so ask trusted friends and coworkers for personal or word-of-mouth recommendations. Use search engines to explore life coaching websites and blogs and to watch life coaching videos on YouTube and other video sites.
Many life coaches offer previews of their services via free ebooks, teleclasses, and webinars, so sign up for these offers. These free coaching resources offer an opportunity to get familiar with the coach and participate in simple coaching exercises, such as the life balance wheel or visualizations. Some life coaches even offer a short coaching call at no charge. Take advantage of as many of these free resources as time allows to get a good feel for what is available.
Choose the Right Life Coach
If there is no clear front runner after the research process, narrow the field to no more than three life coaches for final research. Examine the the small print of each coaching program in terms of content, price, and guarantees, taking time to email or call the respective life coach with any remaining questions. When all the research has been completed and all questions have been answered, the decision to purchase a life coaching program can be made with confidence.
Being a wise consumer in the life coaching marketplace does take time, but the time spent in preliminary research is a shrewd investment. By making the effort beforehand to set up a life coaching budget, define coaching expectations, and understand delivery options the coaching client is free to enjoy the chosen program with a clear mind.